Sermons like the Saviour's

David Sprouse  |  Reviews
Date posted:  1 May 2003
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(Three messages for today's preachers)
By Stuart Olyott
Banner of Truth Trust
86 pages. £4.50
ISBN 0 85151 830 3

The pattern for our lives as Christians is Christ-likeness. We long for it, strive for it and rightly bemoan the lack of it. But what does it mean in practice?

In this small book, Stuart Olyott very helpfully brings out some key components of Christ-likeness for the Christian preacher. The three studies challenge the preacher by showing that: Jesus was not a boring preacher; was an evangelistic preacher, and that he was more than just a preacher. Though preachers are his intended readership, the third chapter in particular contains reminders and challenges to all Christians who seek to minister like Jesus.

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