Light in Scots' darkness

Robin Sydserff  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Dec 2011
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At its General Assembly last May, the Church of Scotland took a decision that set a ‘trajectory’ towards recognising same-sex relationships as appropriate for those in leadership in the Church.

This is one of a number of decisions that marks a radical departure from biblical orthodoxy. Evangelicals now find themselves facing in a different direction from the denomination. While technically no decision has been made (a theological commission will report to the General Assembly in 2013), the majority of evangelicals believe that the path is set. The progress of secular legislation through the Scottish Parliament will add further impetus to the liberal agenda.

Fresh developments

Following the report in September’s EN, there have been a number of fresh developments. Peter Dickson, who leads the thriving fellowship at High Church Hilton, Aberdeen, resigned as minister on November 30. Peter, along with David Gibson, will become ministers of a new church in Aberdeen, which meets for the first time on December 4 in new premises. It is understood that the vast majority of the present congregation will leave with them.

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