Word Alive is alive!

Wallace Benn  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jun 2007
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Word Alive is alive and well and planning for the New Word Alive event on April 7-11 2008 at Pwhelli in North Wales.

It was sad when Spring Harvest, for their own reasons, ended the partnership this year after 14 years, but we are so grateful to them for their fellowship and help over the years and continue to wish them well for the future.

Key issue

The New Word Alive event remains committed to the core values of Word Alive, i.e. lively Bible teaching, fun and fellowship for all the family. It remains totally committed to having on our platform only those who are enthusiastically committed to the historic evangelical faith. In the present climate that means commitment to a high view of Scripture and to a penal substitutionary view of the atonement. It was that commitment, we believe, which was the key ingredient in the ending of the current partnership.

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