Christian nationalism: a contradiction in terms?

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Date posted:  20 Mar 2025
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Dear Editor,

In your February feature, Martyn Whittock says Christian Nationalism is a contradiction in terms. Really? Does he disapprove of Christians supporting the blue and yellow flags of Ukraine? What about Nelson Mandela, head of the African National Congress – a nationalist organisation? Again, what about Gandhi, Kenyatta, Nkrumah, etc., who were nationalists in the cause of colonial liberation. Were they wrong? That was in the 20th century. In the 19th century, Greece, Italy, Poland – just about all Eastern European countries – were the products of their nationalist struggles against foreign feudal Empires like the Hapsburgs, Romanovs and Ottomans. Were those struggles wrong too?

I’m sure the USA has some wacky theonomists, but, as I understand it, most American Christian nationalists merely want their country to be a bit more like what it was when it was more Christian. That’s why they welcome a President who says there are two genders, who is friendly to pro-lifers, who wants to bring industrial jobs home, who doesn’t like those who just rubbish their country’s history, who is sceptical of the more alarmist claims of the green lobby, who wants migration to be legal, and who has appointed a lot of Christians like J.D. Vance and Mike Johnson.

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