Cultural recovery?

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Date posted:  1 Jun 2024
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Dear Editor,

Thank you for Matthew Roberts’ encouraging article on a cultural recovery in the May issue of en

Both Jordan Peterson and Tom Holland make reference to God having made man in His image. This is the only vital truth that can overcome and replace the secular story which has given rise to the contemporary crisis in self-understanding. It is time for us boldly to proclaim that our Creator, making us in His image, is the only reliable truth that can enlighten our confused generation on the following issues: that there is a purpose to our human lives; that human beings have immense value; that our personal faculties are highly honoured, being reflections of God’s own personal attributes; that there can be clarity about moral and ethical standards since our Creator provides them in his Law; that there is One who seeks a real love relationship with us, who speaks to us and calls us to respond.

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