The future of the West

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Date posted:  1 Jan 2024
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Dear Editor,

I read with interest Josh Moody’s view that the West is at a tipping point.  Sadly, I believe the West has long passed that point.  For years in the US, Christians have aligned themselves with the Republican Party rather than the Democrats, presumably because they felt there was more hope in politics than in God. In Britain, the Christian Institute has successfully garnered funding at a time when missions struggle to get sufficient for their needs. This is not to cast aspersions on the Institute, which does a fine job, but it does make me think that British Christians are more interested in preserving their disappearing public presence and protection than in promoting the gospel of Christ, which is the only hope for turning the tables, as it always was. Europe has lost its hold on the Biblical truths rescued by the reformers, and we have to look to places where the church is persecuted to see growth!

War in Ukraine has brought many refugees to consider their need of certainty and hope for the future, but those who have stayed to minister to these needs face colossal pressures and a lack of resources. Christians in the Middle East have been divided forcefully once more.

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