Coronation questions

Your Views
Date posted:  1 Jun 2023
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Dear Editor,

As we reflect on the regal splendour of the King’s coronation, there is much to give thanks for. The Bible was read, great hymns were sung, and the gospel at the heart of the liturgy was clear and powerful. At the same time, I am left wondering about the sincerity and convictions of the participants.

I was struck by the King’s oath to ‘maintain and preserve inviolably … the doctrine, worship, discipline and government’ of the Church of England ‘as by law established in England.’ I am left wondering whether these words could have a greater bearing than was realised, the reason being that we have to ask: ‘Which Church of England?’ Is it the Church of England as led by the current House of Bishops and General Synod with their liberal and pro-LGBT agenda, which is contrary to the doctrine of the church, the truths proclaimed in its worship, the discipline that must flow from it, and the standards of orthodoxy that must be required of those who govern it? Or is it the Church of England at parish level where local churches still adhere to the historic doctrinal standards of the Church?

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