The earth will wear out – why bother renewing it?

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Date posted:  1 Mar 2023
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Dear Editor,

Dave Gobbett’s article ‘Jesus’ return and green issues’ (December 2022) seems to ignore much of the teaching of Scripture regarding the earth and the end times. Whilst it is evident from Scripture that we should be good stewards of our planet, should we be spending £billions patching up the earth which we are told in Isaiah 51.6 will wear out like a garment and, in Psalm 102:25-26, that the heavens and the earth ‘will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment, like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded.’ In Revelation 21, the apostle John saw a new heaven and a new earth and, in verse 5, God says ‘I am making everything new’.

We don’t try to prepare our bodies for the resurrection; should we be trying to do this for our planet?

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