en vibrancy & a lost hero

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Date posted:  1 Nov 2021
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Dear Editor,

In my senior ‘winding-down’ years, regular periodicals have had to go. However, on holiday I was able to catch up on six months of ens. What vibrancy I discovered!

I particularly appreciated Professor Michael Haykin’s contributions, not least his ‘How should Christians disagree?’ (July) and ‘The reduction of fatherhood’ (August). It so happens that Professor Haykin, at his own personal request, recently published a small contribution of mine: Calamy Celebrated (ISBN 978-1-77484-022-1). This was occasioned by the 350th anniversary of the birth of Dr Edmund Calamy (1671–1732), ‘The Champion of Nonconformity’. He is a forgotten evangelical hero, a faithful servant of Christ during the turbulent and fractious period between the demise of Puritanism and the dawn of the Methodist revival. Believing the subject matter has something to say about the current evangelical scene, I conclude my letter by sharing a brief extract from Calamy Celebrated:

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