From the NHS frontline

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Date posted:  1 Apr 2021
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Dear Editor,

Having read the correspondence and articles on vaccines, and knowing that some Christians are inclined to believe this pandemic is perhaps planned and not as bad as people might think, I thought you’d be interested in this. It was from a nurse friend working in a large hospital in the UK.

‘The past year has been one of the most challenging in my career. I say this not for pity, but to explain the reality of the situation in hospitals. Supporting staff off sick, supporting staff with multiple family member bereavements due to Covid, and not just elderly relatives either. Supporting staff who are more high risk and worried due to our high-risk job. Working permanently short staffed and in uncomfortable PPE. Seeing staff broken by redeployment into areas far from their comfort zones. Seeing scenes in adult A&E that are just so distressing and awful. Seeing a second temporary morgue being erected because the first overflow one is not enough. At one point, I had one third of a team off sick with Covid. I currently have two of my staff off with Covid for five weeks and who are still not well enough to come back.

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