Two dimensional nature

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Date posted:  1 Nov 2020
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Dear Editor,

The article by Professor John Lennox in Intelligence is October’s en on Artificial very good, and I do not want to say anything against it. But I feel that, in considering scientific questions from a Christian point of view, we need to realise that human beings have a non-material dimension as well as the material.

Science tells us that we are made of atoms, molecules, DNA, etc. But we also have the ability to appreciate music, art, etc., the ability to communicate abstract ideas with other human beings, and above all our individuality. You can make 100 identical robots, but no two human beings are identical, and we each have our own personality. So I believe it is best to talk of a material and a non-material dimension in our lives. It also means that whatever changes we can make to our genetic makeup, they should not affect our non-material nature.

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