An ex-homosexual writes

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Date posted:  1 Nov 2020
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Dear Editor,

As a former homosexual, I was very alarmed by the one-sided approach in the BBC Spotlight programme aired on BBC Northern Ireland on 29/9/20 concerning the falsely-named ‘Gay Conversion Therapy’. The representation was geared heavily towards those practising and celebrating the LGBT lifestyle, not those who have settled happy lives now outside of it. The interviewer constantly tried to trip up and implicate those connected to any Christian groups that offer support for people who seek an alternative lifestyle to the homosexual one.

The Christian position is clear on homosexuality. It is the morality of modern society that has changed; but God’s view on same-sex unions remains – forbidden for all eternity. When I looked up the BBC helpline to check details of organisations that anyone affected by watching the programme could look up, there were only LGBT switchboards and websites, but no details of how to contact any of the Christian organisations featured in the programme who stated clearly that they offer ‘support’ and not some primitive forms of coercion.

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