We teenagers need your prayers

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Date posted:  1 Oct 2020
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Dear Editor,

Regarding your articles on the new relationships curriculum in schools and our ‘progressive society’, I feel that one of the main tragedies of this world that has turned from God, is the widely held view that to disagree with someone is to hate them. Many condemn Christianity, saying that you cannot love everyone as Jesus did while disagreeing with modern ideals of identity. Jesus, however, speaks of loving our enemies, not agreeing with our enemies, He Himself showing compassion to all of us sinners while, by His holy nature, being repulsed by the godless ways we live our lives. Just as an atheist can love a relative despite an addiction to smoking or drugs, so can a Christian love another person who lives in a way that embraces the modern identity or agrees with abortion. Both can love the other without accepting their lifestyle as correct, both can love the other while trying to help them live a better life.

As well as this, it is arrogant and hypocritical of Western society to call itself ‘progressive’ when it constantly attempts to squash freedom of speech while simultaneously criticising ‘third-world countries’ for their views, traditions or ‘oppression’. Schools and social media are teaching children to view Christians and all those with similar opinions as ‘backward’. How many scorn the Bible while having never read it? How many follow a hive mind that they don’t understand? Truly my current generation is greatly in need of prayer – prayer for the teenagers and pre-teens who have to confront so much confusion at such a young age, and for the Christian youth who might begin to feel afraid of speaking about their faith, lest they lose friends.

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