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Date posted:  1 Oct 2020
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Dear Editor,

In her article ‘INTJ? Or are you just a sinner?’ in the September issue of en, Adeline Wenham raises concerns about the whole notion of ‘personality’ as reflected in the Myers-Briggs personality types. She says that the personality types are ‘alluringly positive, and here lies the danger’. But for me (INFJ) it was a real blessing: a tool to greater productivity and effectiveness. Mistaking modesty for humility, and assuming ‘a strength is not a strength’ unless it’s exceptional, I’d been very reluctant to believe I had any strengths at all. Completing the Myers-Briggs assessment at work many years ago was liberating. It helped me to recognise my strengths and, as the manager of a large department, to use them creatively for the benefit of those who reported to me. And knowing my weaknesses helped me to detect areas and issues I’d be inclined to avoid and to do something about them. This was definitely beneficial to the people reporting to me.

Adeline says that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MTBI) doesn’t help us reflect on sin. But I think she’s wrong. Knowing your weaknesses is a great help in identifying the temptations you’re most susceptible to, the excuses you’re most likely to make for yourself and the sins you need to mortify.

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