Dear Editor,
It was good that Garry Williams took the trouble to examine whether a ‘cyber-supper’ was possible. While I share his opposition to the practice, it is for a different reason from his. He seems to be hung up on the authority of the elders/pastor – in his case, to excommunicate. The real problem, that Paul highlights in 1 Corinthians, is social.
Here is the problem: if a Brahman and an ‘untouchable’ in India, or a black and a white in the southern states of the USA, share the same loaf and same cup in the same place at the same time, does that not say something powerful, shocking, revolu-tionary in witness to our unity in Christ? If they break their own bread in their own homes, while watching someone do it onscreen, that says nothing. It just panders to an individualist love of ‘my Jesus’, with-out church discipleship.