PPE and the gospel

Jeremy Brewer  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 May 2020
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Dear Sir,

There is a lot of talk in the press recent-ly about Covid-19 and PPE – Personal Protection Equipment. Some may already be using it at work – or perhaps complain-ing that they haven’t yet got it! We are all conscious of the potential hazards of even touching a shopping trolley in case it is carrying the virus. Everyone is under some restriction to prevent all of us catching Covid-19, and older people may now be housebound.

PPE means that working folk should be able safely to deal with the infection without catching it themselves. There is a spiritual version of PPE which is what the Christian gospel is about. It is when we ‘repent and believe’, as Jesus instructs us to do in a sermon in Mark 1:15. Acknowledging who Jesus was and is, the creator God in human form, affects our personal spiritual state in relation to God, and as we begin to trust him and put our faith in Him, we are what Jesus called ‘born again’ and we begin a fuller physical and spiritual life cleansed and protected against the worst effects of sin and unbelief.

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