The modern war on truth

Professor David Tyler  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Feb 2020
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Dear Sir,

Regarding ‘The modern war on truth’ by Chris Wright (en January, p.25), yes, there is a modern war on truth, and every generation of God’s people can affirm something similar. Chris Wright rightly calls us to be on our guard. However, I am concerned about the section ‘Undermining truth’, where he refers to Brexit and climate science to illustrate the ‘loss of trust in any kind of truth’. He writes: ‘Facts, or research, or hard realities, are dismissed as mere opinion or ‘pessimism’.’ There is a problem here, as far too much weight is placed on the word ‘fact’. Differences are rarely over facts, but over the interpretation of facts. Rational arguments about interpretations are to be welcomed and should not lead to charges of ‘huge lies’. Proverbs 18:17 is relevant here: ‘The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.’

Brexit is a resoundingly political issue, and it is not surprising that strong contradictory views are expressed. Perhaps the only clear ‘fact’ is that the Referendum result showed a majority for leaving the EU, and this should be central in our assessment of subsequent events and the implications for democracy.

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