Our attitude to plastic

David Golding CBE PhD DSc DCL  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Feb 2020
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Dear Sir,

‘Two million people in the world’s poorest countries are living and working among piles of rubbish and one person dies every 30 seconds from a waste-related disease’ (Tearfund). Yet the response to this tragedy by ‘Anon’ (en, October 2019, Letters) is a dismissive ‘Let the dead bury their dead’ (Matthew 8:22)!

More appropriate by far are Luke 10:31,32, about those who, seeing a man in grave need, ‘passed by on the other side of the road’; Galatians 6:10, ‘As we have opportunity, do good to everyone’; and the warning in Matthew 25:10: ‘Whatever you did not do … you did not do for me. Depart from me.’

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