Christmas opportunities

Ann Wills  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Jan 2019
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Dear Editor,

I think that at Christmas we should use this time of year to share Jesus more. We could send Christmas cards and Advent Calendars that have a Nativity scene on. Manufacturers only produce what people will buy - so if we don’t buy Christian products they won’t be manufactured any more. We would then only be able to buy Advent Calendars with a snowman or Santa on!

It would also be a witness if Christians put a Nativity stable scene in their front window which could be imaginatively lit to highlight it to passers by – and children really do like them. This would be a quiet but visible show of faith. I’m sure other people will be able to think of more such ideas. We must not let Christ be removed from Christmas. We could also wear a Christian cross lapel-pin or necklace during the year, which would be seen by scores of people in a busy shopping mall, for instance. If those in authority were to see perhaps one in five people wearing a cross they could no longer believe that ‘no-one is a Christian anymore and we don’t have to take their views into account’!

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