Dear Editor,
The warning to be on the lookout for a new wave of liberalism (‘Churches in Jeopardy’ December en) is much needed and the two letters published in January taking issue with reference to ‘spiritual formation’ and ‘Lectio Divina’ miss the point. It is not the use but the misuse of these and many other terms, including claims to be ‘evangelical’, that lies at the heart of the Emergent Church deceit. The Lord Jesus warned: ‘Watch out for false prophets. They come among you in sheep’s clothing.’
The false teaching peddled by such as Brian McLaren is leading many astray. As Eric Barger points out, Emergents embrace the post-modern view that there is no absolute truth. It follows that the Bible cannot be trusted as the inerrant Word of God. This opens the door to their rejection of doctrines that conflict with the spirit of the age, including judgment for sin, the need for salvation and the substitu-tionary death of Christ on the cross. These fundamental doctrinal errors come cloaked in mysticism, yoga and shamanic drumming.