1967 Abortion Act

Dr P. James  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Dec 2017
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Dear Sir,

This October marked 50 years since the passing of the Abortion Act in Great Britain which made abortion legal when the continuance of the pregnancy would involve risk to the life or the health of the pregnant women. Since the passing of this Act, over 8 million unborn babies have been aborted.

However, in practice, it seems that most doctors are permitting abortion in terms of ‘abortion on demand’. A fundamental problem is that people do not give the unborn baby the same status as a human being. As a committed Christian I disagree with this view because the Bible regards unborn babies in the womb as human. For example, in Genesis 25.22 when Isaac’s wife, Rebekah, was pregnant with twins, the verse tells us that ‘the children struggled together within her.’ In Luke 1.15, John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit in the womb. In Luke 1.44, John ‘leapt’ inside his mother’s womb at the sound of Mary’s voice. Jeremiah reports God as saying that ‘before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations’. In Psalm 22.10, King David declares that, ‘from my mother’s womb you have been my God.’ The writers in the Bible do not speak as if our personal histories begin at birth. They speak as if they begin at conception.

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