Where did we come from?

Nigel Halliday  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Jul 2017
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Dear Sir,

Further to the discussion about the theory of evolution: it is not just Christians who question the scientific and rational basis of the theory. Richard Milton, a professional science writer, wrote The Facts of Life: Shattering the myths of Darwinism back in 1993, questioning the validity of most aspects of the theory.

James Le Fanu, another science writer, authored Why Us? in 2009. Although he still writes as if evolution is the only game in town, he recognises that the previous two decades of brain research and the genome project have made the theory harder to sustain, not easier. And his chapter on the practical difficulty, and sheer unlikeliness, of an ape becoming a biped – which ought to be a slam dunk for the theory of evolution – is worth the price of the book alone. [See en review May 2010. Editor]

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