Days of creation

Anon  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 May 2017
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Dear Sir,

With reference to recent letters on the subject of creation, I am very glad to pay tribute to the valuable work that the various ‘creation ministries’ have done in showing the weakness of atheistic evolution. But I do wonder whether some of their current emphases should be questioned.

During much of the last century there was no single view regarding the age of the earth, or the nature of the ‘days’ in Genesis 1, which was regarded as uniquely orthodox. Opinions differed among evangelicals and if there were any discussions they were invariably calm and harmonious; certainly I do not remember accusations that people were ‘compromising’ or ‘undermining Scripture.’ It was fully understood that everyone was equally committed to belief in an inerrant Bible, whatever their view on the ‘days’. Men of the stature of Edward J Young and Francis Schaeffer could decline to be dogmatic on these things. Martyn Lloyd-Jones considered the ‘Gap Theory’ to be a possibility.

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