While the church sleeps

Colin Johnson  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Dec 2016
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Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the article in ‘While the Church the November en, sleeps…’, as I’m worried that we as evangelical Christians can lose our sense of balance and forget who our real enemy is. I am as concerned as the author is with the pan-sexual revolution happening in society and as an activist myself I’d love to campaign against it, but I am reminded of the Scripture that says our struggle is not against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6.12). It’s also important to remember that Paul is warning against judging and says what business of mine is it to judge those outside the church (1 Corinthians 5.12).

Every week I am out community visiting with a team from our church, sharing our faith. I am saddened that the non-believers I meet all think the church’s message to the world is about being a good person. How is it with a church in every locality across the nation we have not got the true good news about the grace of God through Christ and what it means for each individual soul? Should that not be our heart cry? It’s only through changed hearts that are Christ-like that the biblical message of sexuality will make sense to this pagan society around us.

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