Children and IVF

Anon  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Aug 2016
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Dear Sir,

Although I can understand that an apparent dismissal of IVF could cause heartache to couples trying to have a baby (June en, letters July en), the wider point must not be lost.

Having been told that a child was most unlikely to be ours naturally, we examined IVF. Although IVF can be done ethically – with no miniature people discarded or destroyed – we came to a few conclusions. Having a child is not a God-given right or biblical promise to us which should be sought using any method found by medicine. And IVF etc has opened the door to children being seen as a commodity, and also to research which is repugnant to the thinking Christian. As an aside, how much heartache will be caused in the future when children of donated sperm or eggs discover they can’t have children, or marry, as they are related?

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