Lewis and the EU

Robert Coulson  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Jul 2016
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Dear Editor,

Further to the excellent article on the EU by David Burrowes M.P. (June en) your readers might like to note the following comment made by C. S. Lewis in a letter of 15 September 1953 to Don Giovanni Calabria: ‘I feel that very grave dangers hang over us. This results from the apostacy of the great part of Europe from the Christian faith.’

This comment would apply well to the EU today. A related factor, which Lewis could not have foreseen in 1953, is the current effect on Europe of Islam which, among others things, rejects the basic Christian beliefs, for the Qur’an teaches that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God (Sura 4.171) and that Jesus was not crucified (Sura 4.157). Nor could Lewis have foreseen an elected Muslim Mayor of London.

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