Single men

Jonathan Castro  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Dec 2015
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Dear Sir,

It was with interest and a trifle of amusement that I read Jacqui Wright’s article entitled ‘Why won’t men commit?’ in your October edition of en.

The article makes some good points, but leaves one with the distinct impression that men are solely to blame for the current state of affairs. Some of the suggestions are frankly incredible, particularly those that suggest we men are just ‘too picky’ or ‘too entitled’. This is a trait I've noticed more with the single women in church (particularly of the younger generation), rather than with us men. Most men simply desire an uncomplicated, easy going and mutually respectful friendship, which may or may not blossom into something more. We’re not interested in ‘jumping through hoops’ to show our own worth, or in fulfilling a ‘shopping list’ of requirements, or in ‘pursuing’ anyone. The last time I checked there was still such a thing as mutual attraction.

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