Vulnerability of being Jewish

Colin Nevin  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Feb 2015
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Dear Letters Page,

The world is reeling from yet another intentional and hate-filled attack on the Jewish people at the Kosher Supermarket in Paris. We must in the democratic nations seek to always condemn and root out any vestiges of anti-Semitism.

The Christian nations take their Judeo-Christian traditions, laws and culture from the Bible and the history of the Hebrew people and we should acknowledge that by showing our gratitude and loudly condemning all anti-Jewish rhetoric and actions which must make families and individuals feel extremely vulnerable. History attests that hatred and even murder of innocent Jews is not new, but it must not be tolerated in European countries where Christian values have been inextricably linked to Jewish ones for centuries and where the contribution of the Jews has been a real blessing. May we wish ‘shalom’ or ‘peace’ to the families in Paris and to the extended Jewish community world-wide.

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