Anglican sex minefield

Dr. Lisa Severine Nolland  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Aug 2014
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Dear Sir

I appreciated David Baker’s gracious approach to the whole Anglican sex minefield, ‘Always grace and truth’ (July EN). He is right to commend the Archbishop of Canterbury for meeting with those with whom he would disagree, such as Pink News. However, I had to wonder about what followed.

As I understand it, Jesus socialised with sinners like prostitutes and tax collectors – economic exploiters of the poor – not because he had relaxed the Old Testament moral code on sexual sins or oppressing the poor. Rather, he did so because he loved them and wanted to bring them into his good and holy kingdom. He held both truths at one and the same time; he loved enough to tell them the truth about themselves, including how, if they were going to follow him, they could not continue living as before.

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