Expository preaching

Peter Grover  |  Your Views
Date posted:  1 Mar 2014
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Dear Sir,

I thoroughly agree with JEB’s critique (February EN ) of a homiletical approach that has become something of a sacred cow for evangelicals. I too appreciate the value of expository preaching. It is a good skill to learn but requires a high degree of interpretative ability in the preacher.

However, herein lies the problem: it is a very difficult skill to master by those not trained in a Western seminary. Furthermore, in many non-Western contexts it is hard for an audience to follow, cerebral three-point sermons. I applaud the efforts of missiolo-gists who are exploring different ways of presenting biblical teaching, such as by making story central. Perhaps as we in the West move from a modern to a postmodern world we may find ourselves in a similar situation with our expository preaching not communicating so well with new generations.

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