We're no schismatics, say conservative Anglicans

en staff  |  World
Date posted:  17 Mar 2025
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We're no schismatics, say conservative Anglicans

Gafcon 25 Source: acnntv.com

Conservative Anglicans say they are in neither schismatic nor sectarian, but are wanting to renew the denomination with the Bible at the centre.

In a statement at the end of G25 - a conference for leaders of the Biblically orthodox GAFCON (Global Anglican Future Conference) movement which had "a special focus on the next generation of global bishop" - they reject accusations that they undermine unity in the denomination globally.

"GAFCON has sometimes been criticised, even vilified, as a sectarian and schismatic movement that has sought to undermine the unity of the Anglican Communion. But that is simply untrue," the statement, from Plano, Texas, says.

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