God’s grace at work in Central Asia

Mark Foster  |  World
Date posted:  3 Feb 2025
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God’s grace at work in Central Asia

Stock photo of a family in Central Asia. Source: IMB

Anniversaries give opportunity to look back with thankfulness, and forward with hope and confidence. This year marks the 75th ‘birthday’ of Slavic Gospel Association (UK).

From relatively small beginnings the work has grown and prospered through God’s hand of blessing on it, so that today in the lands of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and Far East Russia, hundreds of missionaries and Christian workers are helped prayerfully and financially by the supporters of the Mission. The Mission’s sponsorship scheme enables prayer partners to direct their support and their prayers to the work of faithful and trusted men and women, labouring to advance the cause of the gospel.

Serik from Central Asia

Evangelism and church planting form the heart of SGA’s missionary programme, and God has been pleased to bless the efforts with fruit and growth even in the most difficult and problematic situations. One example of what happens when national workers are supported in this way is Serik from Central Asia. A graduate of a local Bible College, Serik began ministering in a strongly Muslim-dominated part of a large city, where there was no gospel witness. Serik and his team began to feed the hungry, and share God’s love with homeless and often hopeless people. They rejoiced in the transforming effect of the grace of God in many lives.

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