Iran: Prayer after Scripture giveaway

Iain Taylor  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jun 2024
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Iran: Prayer after Scripture giveaway

Woman next to a flag showing Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei | photo: iStock

Iranian evangelists have recently given away 22,000 New Testaments – and are praying that each one will prompt someone to discover Jesus.

Elam Ministries, which works to strengthen and expand the church in the Iran region and beyond, has sent en this story which begins with a New Testament in Persian. Fifteen years ago a woman called Zahra found the small red book in a private home in Iran where she worked as a cleaner. Intrigued by the notorious text, she quietly slipped it into her bag. Later, as she read her stolen Scriptures, her heart warmed toward Jesus. But she knew no Christians and over time her interest faded. Life became stressful so she started using drugs and was an addict for many years.

But five years ago Zahra’s teenage daughter was diagnosed with cancer. On her knees Zahra prayed: ‘Jesus, if I give up drugs, will you heal my daughter?’

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