letter from Uzbekistan

New hope in the Turkic world?

Slavic Gospel Association  |  World
Date posted:  1 May 2024
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New hope in the Turkic world?

A boat in Tashkent, Uzbekistan | photo: Grigoriy Konovalov on Unsplash

Uzbekistan has until recently been a very difficult country in which to openly share the gospel, but there are encouraging signs that the newly appointed government is less hostile to evangelical believers.

With this new openness, gospel opportunities are arising. Where other more traditional means of Christian witness may be restricted, there is no difficulty in using community buildings called ‘Hope Centres’ where vulnerable and disadvantaged children can receive hot meals, warm clothes, support and education.

Women who find salvation in Christ and are rejected by their communities can also find a place of safety and shelter. SGA (UK) has long recognised the significant role that these Centres play in spreading the gospel within a Muslim context. Four new Hope Centres are being established in Uzbekistan. Recently, the renovation of one of these was completed in a small desert town. Much effort has been invested and local believers have freely given their time recognising that to start an effective ministry to children and their families, especially among the Uzbeks, there was an urgent need to renovate and refurbish the Hope Centre building.

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