letter from America

‘In wrath, remember mercy’

Josh Moody  |  World
Date posted:  1 Apr 2024
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‘In wrath, remember mercy’

Pro-Ukraine protests, the White House, Washington| photo: reddit.com/media

It was an unusual Sunday. A group of Ukrainian pastors had been in conversation with the missions leadership of the church to see if we might be able to partner with them.

Their ministry in Ukraine was very active. Church planting. Training pastors. Fruitful evangelism. Baptisms. As they were meeting that weekend with the church, news emerged of war breaking out in Ukraine. The Ukrainian pastors were prayed for in a new context, and they bravely made the hard decision to return to their homeland to shepherd their people.

Another remarkable Sunday occurred recently. Three of that same group of Ukrainian pastors were back in that same church. The war in Ukraine, as we know, is ongoing. The Ukrainian pastors told harrying stories of what it is like to live in a country under threat of imminent death. Hearing bombs, fearing shrapnel. Their faces did not look quite the same as before. More worn, and wearied. And yet with the horror, they also told stories of remarkable gospel progress. Hundreds being baptised from previously non-Christian backgrounds. The Ukrainian pastors have hopes and dreams of further future ministry expansion.

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