Tens of thousands of Christians in South Korea have added technology supported by artificial intelligence (AI) to their spiritual diet, reports the Financial Times.
Many young Protestants in particular have started using AI-supported Christian apps, which has freed up pastors’ diaries to spend more time focusing on caring for members of their churches on a pastoral level.
Awake Corp, which developed AskJesus, the ChatGPT-based Bible chatbot service, has gained about 50,000 users since launching in March. Its AI-backed service answers spiritual questions about matters such as Bible verses, interpretations, and prayers. The company eventually changed the service’s name from AskJesus to Meadow because some users viewed its answers as the actual word of God.
Turning to griefbots or grieving with hope?
Two of the most atypical Marvel/Disney+ series of the past couple of years have been two of the most interesting. …