An Islamic teacher who has come to faith in Christ is now selling pineapples – and telling customers: ‘Jesus is as sweet as a pineapple.’
‘Abdu’, who grew up wanting to be an Islamic scholar in Ethiopia, attended Qu’ranic schools and after 15 years became an Islamic teacher. But last year he met an old friend who had become a Christian. The friend frequently shared the gospel with Abdu, to the extent that Abdu started to rethink his beliefs.
Eventually, Abdu put his faith in Christ. His enthusiasm for teaching the Qu’ran waned, so much so that local Islamic leaders noticed. They found out that he and his wife had become Christians and fired him immediately. Abdu lost his income and his home and was not allowed to rent a house in the area.
The elderly and bereaved: a growing gospel need
“Let me put it this way. I don’t expect there to be many people at my funeral.”My new friend …