2,957 patients... 17,520 animals... 1,520 filmgoers – and 800 people finding solace and hope in Christ

Gary Clayton  |  World
Date posted:  1 Oct 2023
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2,957 patients... 17,520 animals... 1,520 filmgoers – 
 and 800 people finding solace and hope in Christ

Dental work underway in Olturot during the mission | photo: MAF

In the West, it’s fairly easy to see a doctor, dentist or vet. In a remote, drought-stricken area of Kenya, however, the inhabitants are not so fortunate, Gary Clayton writes.

Earlier this year, Mission Aviation Fellowship partnered with friends from Christ Is The Answer Ministries (CITAM) to fly a team of doctors, dentists, veterinarians and missionaries to Olturot in northern Kenya.

Without the flight, which took less than 1¾ hours, the team would have been forced to endure an arduous 11-hour road trip. The time saved by MAF’s small, speedy aircraft enabled the medics and vets to spend far longer looking after the isolated community.

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