The Iranian secret agent surprised by the gospel

Iain Taylor  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jul 2023
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The Iranian secret agent surprised by the gospel

Iranian security forces make an arrest in Tehran | photo: Wikimedia

An Iranian secret agent who was gathering undercover intelligence to ensnare Christians has found himself unexpectedly coming to faith.

Now ‘Arvin’ has started a new fellowship group which includes two relatives – former regime hardliners – who have also come to faith through his witness. The story came to en via Elam Ministries, an organisation founded in 1990 with a vision to reach the Persian-speaking world for Christ. Its executive director David Yeghnazar spoke of the extraordinary story of this dramatic conversion that took place in Iran recently:

‘Kamran, a Christian leader in a country near Iran, couldn’t shake his suspicion that something was not right about Arvin, the new believer he was working with. Every time they did a section of a discipleship course Kamran’s unease grew. He sensed Arvin was hiding something. After the course section on the Holy Spirit, Kamran prayed that the Spirit would convict Arvin. ‘Late that evening, Arvin called unexpectedly. “I need to tell you something. I work for the Iranian government and I’ve been posing as a Christian to gather information, but it’s been bothering me. Now, I really want to become a true follower of Jesus.” Kamran was amazed. That night he explained the gospel once more and Arvin genuinely gave his life to Christ.

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