Successful missions in Guinea and Malawi

Iain Taylor  |  World
Date posted:  1 Aug 2022
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The GoodWORD Partnership, based in Minneapolis, USA, has facilitated evangelistic and training initiatives in largely Moslem parts of Guinea, West Africa, and Malawi, southern Africa.

In Guinea, where only 7% of the population is Christian, experienced church leaders from five African countries and the United States undertook three weeks of joint ministry. It included outreach to seven prisons where a total of 3,600 inmates were fed, both physically and spiritually; equipping a Christian medical clinic in a Moslem community; a three-day conference on evangelism attended by 225 church leaders and encouraging the local churches to cooperate in sharing the gospel. One evangelical denominational leader in Conakry, a city of 2 million people, said: ‘We are now ready and committed to cooperate in sharing the gospel in our city.’

At Monkey Bay, Malawi GoodWORD Partnership facilitated an Evangelism Training Conference for more than 160 church leaders from the major denominations in the heart of the Moslem Yao tribe. The three-day conference, conducted in Chichewa, focused on Preparation, Proclamation and Preservation, and included discussion groups focused on specific Bible passages. Following the session, The Gospel We Proclaim, 45 attendees recommitted their lives to Christ. One leader, a former Moslem and now a church planter, stated: ‘The teachings will help us in our churches and our ministry as we share the gospel.’

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