Witch-doctors spurned as water flows

Jon Spalding  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jul 2022
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Witch-doctors spurned as water flows

Left: Mandiva Primary School. Right: the borehole being drilled.

Zimbabwe Partnership Trust (ZPT) is a small Christian charity that has been working with partners in Zimbabwe and the UK to help communities and churches across Zimbabwe since 2011. It also organises preacher’s workshops to assist pastors develop preaching and teaching skills.

One of its most rewarding projects is enabling rural communities to obtain a supply of clean water for drinking, washing, and the irrigation of crops, via the drilling of boreholes.

ZPT heard of a remote community where children were having to walk ten kilometres to the Tokwe river and get water before school so that pupils could drink and cook; some have been literally eaten by crocodiles while doing so. ZPT’s trustees therefore decided to fund the drilling of a borehole for the school, Mandiva Primary School in Masvingo province. It enrols 600 children, mainly from poor local villages. Some of the 20 teachers have been leaving because of the acute water shortage.

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