Kyiv, Ukraine, March: Anastasiia Tykha posts a photo looking out from her apartment window.
Her window is plastered with anti-bomb-blast tape to reduce the chances of it blowing inwards during any explosions. Whether intentionally or unintentionally the top of the tape forms the shape of a cross which stands above two blocks of flats soaked in the blood-red sun of a Ukraine dawn.
The photo was posted on Facebook’s ‘View from my window’ page and attracted nearly 2,500 comments. As en went to press, Anastasiia was continuing to post on Facebook denouncing the war. The ‘View from my window’ page features just one photo a day and has been globally acclaimed.
Trump, Putin, Ukraine: what's going on?
As Christians, we know that “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9).And yet we also know that what is required …