Faces of anti-Christian evil highlighted

Iain Taylor, International Christian Concern  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jan 2022
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Faces of anti-Christian evil highlighted

The 2020 film 'True North' uses animation to portray hunger, disease, torture and deadly political prison camps in N. Korea

US persecuted church agency International Christian Concern (ICC) has named its Persecutors of the Year awards for 2021.

Previously entitled the Hall of Shame report, naming and shaming the world’s worst persecutors of Christians, this year it has been revamped to give awards to the most notorious countries, individuals and entities around the world.

Top individual persecutor is Kim Jong Un, leader of North Korea. Since 1948, the successive Kim dynasties have tortured and killed millions of individuals who they viewed as political threats. While many are familiar with how the North Korean state deals with political dissenters, it is less well known that the Kims have targeted Christians with a special vehemence.

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