Reconciliation is at the core of the gospel; God reconciled the world to Himself through Christ. Thus, as followers of Christ, we ought to bear this message of reconciliation and apply it in our lives. In 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Paul expands on this responsibility and asserts that we ought to be ambassadors of reconciliation to the world through His justice.
This was and still is the calling that inspired me 30 years ago to establish ‘Musalaha’ (reconciliation in Arabic). Over the years, I have learned a great deal about reconciliation and was thrilled with the opportunity to expand Musalaha’s reconciliation teachings through the Peace and Reconciliation Network of the World Evangelical Alliance. Despite the many conflicts in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region, the few churches and organisations to partner with, I have been researching and exploring the main actors of peace and reconciliation with the desire of familiarising ourselves with our reconciliation MENA network.
The primary goal is to bring our heads and hearts together to discuss how to strategically advance peace and reconciliation work in our region that has experienced political turmoil, wars and massacres, and lacks freedom and human rights. We are gathering because there is hope in God’s power. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead and empowers us to bring forth His Kingdom can bring about the needed change in our beautiful region.
When secondary issues feel like primary ones
What are the ‘primary issues’, the essentials of the faith around which we unite as Christians; and what issues are …