Nigeria: attacks force Sunday worship to stop

Chris Sugden  |  World
Date posted:  1 Mar 2021
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Nigeria: attacks force  Sunday worship to stop

In central and north western Nigeria, kidnappings, ransom demands and attacks on villages have increased, it has been reported.

Families are forced to pay a ransom to kidnappers, encouraged by the police and security forces who say they cannot free any persons abducted. Some analysts say the kidnapping ring has now become a big franchise involving shadowy politicians and security forces.

Christians targeted

The Nigeria weekly security tracker records these attacks and killings*. Most killings target predominantly Christian communities and villages. Witnesses have said that, prior to these attacks, they get ‘messages’ from the Fulani to pay a ransom (seen as taxes according to Islamic injunctions) or be killed. Their claims are usually dismissed by security forces who speak of the attacks as ‘farmers and herders’ conflicts.

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