USA: Trump restricts Christian refugees – 90% fall

Christian Post  |  World
Date posted:  1 Sep 2020
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USA: Trump restricts Christian 
 refugees – 90% fall

photo: iStock

Since 2015 there has been a nearly 90% reduction in the number of Christian refugees being resettled to the United States from countries where churches face the greatest persecution. This is according to a new report published by Open Doors USA (a watchdog group that monitors the persecution of Christians) and World Relief (a refugee resettlement agency).

Closed Doors, the title of the 16-page report, is critical of policies that have either drastically reduced refugee resettlement to the USA or made it increasingly difficult for persecuted individuals and families to seek asylum.

World Relief Vice President of Advocacy and Policy, Jenny Yang, said: ‘There have been many recent changes regarding refugee resettlement and asylum law that has effectively shut the door on many of the refugees from being able to access protection in the United States of America. As organisations that are working to help those that are fleeing religious persecution, particularly Christians, we feel it is of the utmost importance that the … US keeps its doors open.’

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