In the Autumn, Langham Preaching held its first-ever Global Women’s Forum in Cyprus. This encouraging report comes from attendee Jill McGilvray, a Langham Partnership Australia committee member.
‘There were about 50 women of varying ages from 38 countries: Africa, Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean and the Pacific. It was led by Ruth Slater, Associate Director of Langham Preaching, with the help of a committee of women from all around the world.
I kept pinching myself as I sat down to morning tea with a group of Christian women from, say, Mongolia, Botswana, Vanuatu, Ukraine, the Philippines and Panama. Then lunch with women from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Indonesia, India, Burkina Faso, Turkey, Jamaica and Costa Rica. Where else would this ever happen?
A God who cares about women
Hagar’s story is surely one to be retold. In Genesis 12, Abram and Sarai were promised “descendants as numerous as …