Slavic Gospel Association: 70 years young…

Mark Foster  |  World
Date posted:  1 Oct 2019
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Slavic Gospel Association: 70 years young…

Training in the 1970s had to take place secretly in the forests of Romania. | photo: SGA

Next year, Slavic Gospel Association [UK] will celebrate its 70th birthday. In 1950, Peter Deyneka, the founder of the mission in the USA some 13 years earlier, visited churches in the south of England. Believers caught the vision for reaching Slavic peoples for Christ and the UK branch of SGA was formed in that year.

The initially small efforts to bring encouragement and help to Eastern European people displaced by the Second World War and living in camps in England, Germany and Austria, quickly blossomed. It then burgeoned into a ministry which took Christians through the Iron Curtain, and into situations where the churches were severely persecuted for their faithfulness to Christ and the gospel.

Training leaders

The need and heart cry of the churches was for the training of leaders and Bible teachers, as Communism had attempted to kill off the church by strangling the leadership.

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