Ireland: abortion disaster

LifeSite News  |  World
Date posted:  1 Aug 2019
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An Irish couple took advantage of the coun-try’s new abortion legalisation to end the life of their ‘wanted’ baby. They did so believing that their baby had a ‘fatal foetal abnor-mality.’ However, after the abortion, it was shown that the initial test was wrong and that their child had been perfectly healthy.

The pro-abortion Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists will conduct an independent investigation into the abortion that was committed at the National Maternity Hospital. There are reports that the parents had been told that their baby had Trisomy 18 genetic disorder. The parents are reported as being devastated.

Unreliable test

The unborn baby was killed at about 15 weeks’ gestation in March. The parents had been offered two tests. The first less-reliable test revealed the ‘abnormality’ and they decided to abort before the more-reliable second test results had been received.

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