Tajikistan: girl’s 3-hour hike

SAT-7  |  World
Date posted:  1 Jun 2019
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Tajikistan: girl’s 3-hour hike

On the set of Golpand, the live SAT-7 PARS kids show that Taraneh watches| photo: SAT-7

Taraneh*, a young refugee in Tajikistan, travels three hours to watch her favourite Christian programmes at a relative’s home, and the girl’s messages to the Christian broadcaster have inspired many in the faith.

Her enthusiasm is particularly striking in light of her family’s difficult circumstances. ‘We have to live out of town because we don’t have much money,’ wrote Taraneh on the messaging app she uses to communicate with the TV team. ‘We have to travel three hours to my uncle’s house to watch this programme.’

The team asked Taraneh for her address to send a small gift. ‘Our house where we live has nothing, we don’t even have a house number.’

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